Living with the forest
and conserving it

Indigenous territories in the Amazon are critical for the spiritual, social, cultural and economic development of indigenous people; but are also of immense global importance as bastions for biodiversity and vast storehouses and sinks for carbon dioxide, a major contributor to global warming. Thus, indigenous territories are a priority for conservation, and supporting indigenous efforts to secure their territorial, economic, social and cultural rights an imperative for WCS. We invite you to learn more about indigenous territories and why they matter through a series of case studies of the Tacana and Leco indigenous peoples of northern La Paz in Bolivia.


La serie de videos sintetiza los resultados relevantes de los estudios sobre la gestión territorial indígena y analiza sus aportes a la conservación de la biodiversidad, el desarrollo económico y el fortalecimiento de la cultura de los pueblos indígenas.

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The series of videos synthesizes the relevant results of studies on indigenous territorial management and analyzes their contributions to biodiversity conservation, economic development and the strengthening of indigenous peoples' culture.

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35 messages highlighting the importance of indigenous territorial management.

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Technical documents and scientific articles published on the values of indigenous territorial management in the Greater Madidi landscape

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