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Entries for May 2012

Bolivian wild cats talk in the Vesty Pakos La Paz Municipal Zoo

Views: 3263
Bolivian wild cats talk in the Vesty Pakos La Paz Municipal Zoo
(May 15, 2012) As customary, Bolivia´s Children's Day was celebrated on April 12that the VestyPakos La Paz Municipal Zoo. The Wildlife Conservation Society was invited to give a presentation to school students visiting the zoo. On this occasion we focused on Bolivian wild cats. Four panels were developed describing the main characteristics of the nine species, their distribution, type of habitat, some aspects of their diet and threats to their survival. Talks were accompanied by a short audiovisual exhi...


Approval of the management plan and experimental control of paiche in the Takana II indigenous territory

Views: 2643
Approval of the management plan and experimental control of paiche in the Takana II indigenous territory
(May 14, 2012) On December 16th 2011 the Management and Experimental Control Plan of Paiche in the Takana II Indigenous Territory was approved by Administrative Resolution VMA Nº039/2011 in order to make use and commercialize the species for two years, with an annual harvest quota of 750 paiche individuals. The plan was developed with technical support from the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) and in coordination with the Indigenous Council of the Tacana People (CIPTA) and the Community Association of ...