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Entries for 'cflorest'

Aquatic connectivity of migratory fish in the Beni river

Views: 1124
Aquatic connectivity of migratory fish in the Beni river
(May 03, 2018) On April 21st, in commemoration of the "World Fish Migration Day", WCS held an event in Rurrenabaque dedicated to two of the migratory fish of the Beni river basin: the chipi chipi (Trichomycterus barbouri), a fish barely 3 cm long, and the dorado (Brachyplatystoma rousseauxii), which can reach up to 110 cm in length. The aim was to raise awareness among the population about the importance of freshwater currents for the life cycle of fish. The Institute of Research for Development (IRD), the ...


Establishment of a rotating harvest fund improves the income of indigenous producers and gives added value to their products

Views: 777
Establishment of a rotating harvest fund improves the income of indigenous producers and gives added value to their products
(April 03, 2018) Since 2015, WCS collaborated with several community productive enterprises in the establishment of a rotating harvest fund for improving commercialization opportunities for a variety of products made by indigenous communities who conserve forests and biodiversity in the Madidi landscape of northern La Paz. This fund started with an amount of Bs100,000 (U$14,368), with resources from the Civil Society Support Fund (FOSC) of the Royal Embassy of Denmark. The rotating harvest fund provides vario...


First Park Guard Training Course aproved by the Ministry of Education in Bolivia

Views: 694
First Park Guard Training Course aproved by the Ministry of Education in Bolivia
(March 26, 2018) The very first professional training course for the first group of park guards just finished. This forteen-day course took place in San Buenaventura from the 7th to the 20th of March, in the Madidi landscape. This course is part of the complementary training program in 'Management of Protected Areas for Park Guards', which was designed jointly by the Ministry of Education, the National Service of Protected Areas (SERNAP) and the Wildlife Conservation Society, with financial support fro...


WCS develops a future conservation constituency of urban leaders in Bolivia

Views: 739
WCS develops a future conservation constituency of urban leaders in Bolivia
(March 06, 2018) As part of the scientific expedition of Identidad Madidi, the WCS communication team carried out scientific dissemination activities in 50% of the educational units in the cities of La Paz and El Alto. Both cities gather a population of almost 1,7 million people that represent 60% of the population in the Department of La Paz as a whole, and 15% of Bolivia´s population. Additionally, 24% of the schools in the municipalities that are part of the Madidi National Park were also visited. ...


Cacao from the Greater Madidi Landscape receives an international price.

Views: 985
Cacao from the Greater Madidi Landscape receives an international price.
(February 05, 2018) The Association of Ecological Producers of Native Cacao of the Leco Larecaja Indigenous People (CHOCOLECO) was awarded a prize for the high quality of cacao bean submitted to the prestigious 2017 edition of the International Cocoa Prize, organized by the Cocoa of Excellence (CoEx) program, which took place at the Salon du Chocolat in Paris. Ximena Sandy led the WCS team that accompanied the entire production process under agroforestry systems and technological innovations along the productive ch...


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