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Entries for 'cflorest'

La Paz, Bolivia finishes in second place in City Nature Challenge

Views: 1378
La Paz, Bolivia finishes in second place in City Nature Challenge
(June 03, 2019) La Paz joined 158 other cities around the world including Madrid, Buenos Aires, New York, Washington, San Francisco, Quito, Bogotá, Lima, London, Kuala Lumpur, Hong Kong and Los Angeles, in registering its biodiversity for the friendly competition ‘City Nature Challenge’, and was positioned in the top places for all three major categories: observations, species and participants. La Paz was runner-up in the number of observations category with 46,932 photographic records of pl...


A new language is born in the Bolivian fashion industry inspired in the textures, shapes and colors of the wildlife of the Andes of Apolobamba

Views: 809
A new language is born in the Bolivian fashion industry inspired in the textures, shapes and colors of the wildlife of the Andes of Apolobamba
(May 20, 2019) Vicuña management in Apolobamba represents a success story of recovery of a threatened species inside a protected area, which also translated into economic benefits for local people. The recently established partnership between WCS and the Beatriz Canedo Patiño Fashion House opens up a new opportunity for working with corporate initiatives that value products coming from protected areas, and are the end result of cultural traditions and conservation efforts by indigenous people. ...


Third expedition of ‘Sabores silvestres’: Southern highlands of Bolivia

Views: 2896
Third expedition of ‘Sabores silvestres’: Southern highlands of Bolivia
(May 16, 2019) WCS, together with restaurant Gustu, organized the third expedition of ‘Sabores Silvestres’. Chefs from the gourmet restaurants in La Paz, Gustu and Jardín de Asia participated, as well as biologists from Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) and journalists of the Escape magazine of La Razón newspaper, the news agency EFE and El Comercio from Peru. This time, the selected sites were, Sajama National Park and the municipality of Garci Mendoza, in Oruro, towards the Bolivi...


Reyes Municipality Presents Roadmap for Creation and Management of the 800,000 hectare Rhukanrhuka Municipal Protected Area

Views: 799
Reyes Municipality Presents Roadmap for Creation and Management of the 800,000 hectare Rhukanrhuka Municipal Protected Area
(May 15, 2019) On April 1st of this year, the Municipality of Reyes held an event to approve the roadmap for establishment of its Municipal Protected Area, with an extension of 800,000 hectares. The meeting was held with the participation of the main local stakeholders, including municipal authorities, representatives of indigenous and agricultural communities, and cattle ranchers. During this meeting, the president of the municipal council presented the proposal for the limits, categories and management ...


Exportation of cacao produced by the Chocolecos to one of the best restaurants in the world: El Celler de Can Roca

Views: 772
Exportation of cacao produced by the Chocolecos to one of the best restaurants in the world: El Celler de Can Roca
(May 10, 2019) WCS collaborated with the Association of Cacao Producers of the Lecos People of Larecaja (Chocolecos) in the export of cacao beans to El Celler de Can Roca restaurant, in Girona, Spain. It is an important achievement of the marketing strategy 'bean to bar' of high quality dry cacao beans, seeking for niche markets that recognize in the products of the Greater Madidi Landscape, their contribution to conservation and sustainable livelihoods of local communities. The cacao crops are produced under ...


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