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Entries for 'cflorest'

Delivery of biosafety equipment and supplies to the indigenous peoples of the northern Amazon region in La Paz (Bolivia), to combat the COVID-19 disease

Views: 917
Delivery of biosafety equipment and supplies to the indigenous peoples of the northern Amazon region in La Paz (Bolivia), to combat the COVID-19 disease
(September 27, 2020) WCS collaborated with the Confederation of Indigenous People of Bolivia (CIDOB) and the Organization of Indigenous People of La Paz (CPILAP) in their efforts to get support from USAID, to receive donations of biosafety supplies and oxygen concentrators for the indigenous communities in the northern Amazon region of La Paz. This donation of biosecurity supplies (alcohol, atomizers, face masks, protective glasses, acrylic gloves, spraying backpack) and medical equipment (wheelchair, oximeter,...


A New Book Dedicated to the Andean Condor is Published

Views: 1063
A New Book Dedicated to the Andean Condor is Published
(September 05, 2020) · Researchers identify 21 priority Andean condor conservation units identified, seven of which are transboundary ·       Historical range of this iconic species estimated to be more than 3.2 million square kilometers, spanning seven Andean countries (Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Chile and Argentina) ·       International Vulture Awareness Day is Saturday, September 5, 2020 Just i...


WCS collaborates in the registry of the birds of the Teoponte coffee plantations

Views: 856
WCS collaborates in the registry of the birds of the Teoponte coffee plantations
(May 07, 2020) An observation, with photographic evidence, of the palkachupa (Phibalura boliviana) in the coffee plantations of Teoponte is an important finding in the distribution of the species. The palkachupa is classified as endangered and is endemic to the gallery forests, natural pampas and humid montane forests around Apolo, in northern La Paz. This new record in Teoponte supports the idea that the species makes seasonal movements towards the humid montane forests of the region. Ornithologists proposed ...


Third Gold Symposium in Bolivia

Views: 964
Third Gold Symposium in Bolivia
(March 19, 2020) This 5th and 6th March, the Third Gold Symposium took place and was organized by the Inter-Institutional Working Group on Responsible Gold (GIT-OR), made up of 12 civil society and academic institutions, and currently coordinated by WCS. Its objective was to promote exchange, dialogue and reflection on the importance of an increasingly responsible technical, social and environmental gold mining in the country. About 320 people from various sectors participated: national and sub-national aut...


The Think Green Initiative (Piensa Verde in Spanish) was launched: the first inter-institutional platform for conservation of forests, species and protected areas

Views: 1093
(March 17, 2020) Think Green or Piensa Verde (in Spanish) will also open opportunities for businesses and people to join this cause/initiative, with monetary contributions to support conservation projects, through volunteer opportunities or institutional support. Through a platform, a variety of social players will connect at an individual and institutional level, as a new way of committing themselves to conservation. Conservation Strategy Fund (CSF), Conservation International (CI), Wildlife Conservation Soc...


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