News room

Spectacled caiman: Sustainable management and culinary creativity

Views: 2658
Spectacled caiman: Sustainable management and culinary creativity
(November 12, 2014) “Matusha Aidha" the association of spectacled caiman managers of the Tacana indigenous land, with support from Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS), has partnered with Gustu to incorporate in the menu of this renowned restaurant a dish whose main ingredient is spectacled caiman meat. This is the result of a long learning process and successful results in the sustainable management of spectacled caiman populations . WCS supported the Tacana communities begin management activities of spect...


The photographic exhibition "Portraits of Madidi" in the city of El Alto

Views: 2227
The photographic exhibition "Portraits of Madidi" in the city of El Alto
(November 12, 2014) The photo exhibition of Mileniusz Spanowicz promoted and organized by WCS, has toured several exhibition halls, starting with the National Museum of Ethnography and Folklore (MUSEF), which in the "Long Night of Museums" attracted more than 13,000 visitors. The artistic quality and scientific value of the photographs on wildlife in northern La Paz, one of the most biodiverse regions on Earth, makes them ambassadors of Bolivia’s natural heritage. The photographic exhibition in the Jach'a ...


Chipi chipis on the move

Views: 4672
Chipi chipis on the move
(June 25, 2014) Researchers from WCS’s Bolivia Program have documented a natural phenomenon new to science: the mass migration of a small, obscure fish known locally as the “chipi chipi.” WCS Conservationist Guido Miranda recently captured footage of the tea-colored Beni River virtually boiling over with millions of 1-inch long juvenile fish.  “It’s amazing that this natural wonder has gone unnoticed by science for all this time,” said Miranda, who is publishing a study...


Strengthening Ecotourism and Culture in Apolobamba

Views: 2834
Strengthening Ecotourism and Culture in Apolobamba
(June 23, 2014)   -  


Madidi inspires La Paz: amazing photographic exhibition of world’s most biologically diverse park in Bolivia

Views: 2607
Madidi inspires La Paz: amazing photographic exhibition of world’s most biologically diverse park in Bolivia
(June 16, 2014) “Mummy, mummy, look at this one”, “What the devil is that?”, “I never knew there was so much”, “All this is in La Paz?”, “Is that a photo or a painting”, “We have to take care of our natural heritage”. Just some of the publics comments from an exceptional photography exhibition about Madidi National Parks record-breaking biodiversity that wowed 13,000 people during the Night of the Museums in La Paz on the 17th of May. A com...


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