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Approval of the management plan and experimental control of paiche in the Takana II indigenous territory

Views: 2753
Approval of the management plan and experimental control of paiche in the Takana II indigenous territory
(May 14, 2012) On December 16th 2011 the Management and Experimental Control Plan of Paiche in the Takana II Indigenous Territory was approved by Administrative Resolution VMA Nº039/2011 in order to make use and commercialize the species for two years, with an annual harvest quota of 750 paiche individuals. The plan was developed with technical support from the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) and in coordination with the Indigenous Council of the Tacana People (CIPTA) and the Community Association of ...


Articles made from spectacled caiman leather of the Takana Indigenous Territory

Views: 3599
Articles made from spectacled caiman leather of the Takana Indigenous Territory
(April 20, 2012) The new Walisuma collection of spectacled caiman leather goods includes handbags, wallets and accessories originating from managed populations within the Takana Indigenous Territory. These goods will include a label specifying the origin of the leather and the ecological characteristics, management and conservation of the species by the Takana communities within an environmental, economic and social sustainability perspective.   To date the Spectacled Caiman Management Association “...


Re-launching the zip-line circuit of Villa Alcira

Views: 3035
Re-launching the zip-line circuit of Villa Alcira
(April 10, 2012) The Community Canopy Tourism Initiative of Villa Alcira is integrated by 12 families, and it is located in the Takana Indigenous Territory (TCO Takana), within the limits of PNANMI Madidi. It is a critical area for the conservation of jaguar and white-lipped peccary populations serving as connectivity between Madidi and the Indigenous Territory. In 2011, WCS contributed to re-launch the zip-line circuit, initially established in 2008, through the renewal of infrastructure, capacity building and...


TO DO! 2011 Award to San Miguel del Bala Ecolodge

Views: 3472
TO DO! 2011 Award to San Miguel del Bala Ecolodge
(April 04, 2012) At the 17th International Socially Responsible Tourism Contest between the 6 and 10th of March in Berlin, the Tourism and Development Institute (Studienkreis für Tourismus und Entwicklung e.V.) awarded the first prize TO DO! 2011 to the community-based tourism project “San Miguel del Bala Ecolodge”, represented at the event by Constantino Nay. San Miguel del Bala Ecolodge is run by 35 Takana families of the community of San Miguel, located in the Takana Indigenous Territory in ...


WCS involvement in tracking ongoing zoonotic disease outbreaks in Bolivia

Views: 3476
(November 30, 2011) At the beginning of November, following an unusual disease outbreak in Bolivia, WCS was contacted by national authorities, particularly the Ministry of Public Health, the National Service of Agricultural Health and Food Safety (SENASAG) and General Directorate of Biodiversity and Protected Areas (DGBAP), requesting technical assistance, within the framework of the PREDICT project, to conduct epidemiological studies and support the establishment of measures to control these diseases. The stat...


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