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Commercialization of spectacled caiman hides with added value

Views: 3442
Commercialization of spectacled caiman hides with added value
(September 09, 2011) One of the mid-term objectives of the sustainable harvest of spectacled caiman in the Takana Indigenous Territory (TCO Takana I) is to commercialize added value products in specialized markets.The tanning of leathers for sale as a processed product (and not only salted) was a first step in this direction, which allowed CIPTA and the Matusha Aida Association to increase profits and to distribute additional benefits to the partners and communities sustainably harvesting the spectacled caiman. The...


Vesty Pakos Zoo visit

Views: 3786
Vesty Pakos Zoo visit
(September 21, 2010)   -    In the last year the Greater Madidi-Tambopata Landscape Conservation Program, implemented by Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) has undertaken various activities to disseminate scientific knowledge about wildlife in the Municipal Zoo “Vesty Pakos” of the city of La Paz


2010 Equatorial prize

Views: 3293
2010 Equatorial prize
(September 20, 2010)   -    Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) extends congratulations to the T´simane Mosetene Regional Council (CRTM) for their efforts favoring conservation and sustainable development in Pilon Lajas, a region of high biological value worldwide


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