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Identidad Madidi won second prize in the National Science and Technology Awards

Views: 1034
Identidad Madidi won second prize in the National Science and Technology Awards
(September 21, 2017)   -   On September 6th, the Bolivian scientific expedition Identidad Madidi received second prize in the Natural Resources, Environment and Biodiversity Category, from the Minister of Education, Roberto Aguilar, during the National Science and Technology Prize award ceremony.


Mining and environmental authorities and WCS promote reduced impact mining

Views: 882
Mining and environmental authorities and WCS promote reduced impact mining
(July 18, 2017)   -   On the week of 5 to 10 of June, WCS held workshops with approximately 300 miners in Pelechuco (6/6) and Charazani (7/6) inside Apolobamba protected area and Apolo (9/6), on the edge of Madidi protected area. The workshops were held under the auspices of the North of La Paz Federation of Miners, Mining Ministry and SERNAP.


2017 Sustainable caiman management benefit distribution in the Tacana TCO

Views: 958
(June 29, 2017) On Monday 19th 2017 the Caiman Management Association distributed the 2017 benefit distribution of the sale of 630 skins and 300Kg of Caiman yacare meat. The Director of the General Biodiversity and Protected Area Authority, Ing. Teresa Pérez Chávez represented the Ministry of the Environment and the CIPTA directorate hosted the event to distribute benefits to 27 hunters and 7 women meat processors. The association continues selling skins to the Kerring group, and through them to G...


Study on the genetic variability of cocoa awarded prize at the national science and technology fair

Views: 1272
 Study on the genetic variability of cocoa awarded prize at the national science and technology fair
(October 13, 2016) A study on the genetic variability of Bolivian cocoa in the northern La Paz region received recognition from the Executive Committee of Bolivian Universities, among the three best papers presented at the Second National University Fair for Research, Science and Technology, held between August 24th and 26th in the city of Sucre. The study was conducted by Daniela Arteaga and Ximena Sandy and promoted by Wildlife Conservation Society and Helvetas Swiss Intercooperation, in coordination with the In...


Identidad Madidi Announces 1000 Confirmed Bird Species For Bolivia’s Madidi National Park

Views: 1945
Identidad Madidi Announces 1000 Confirmed Bird Species For Bolivia’s Madidi National Park
(July 28, 2016)   -   Bolivian scientific expedition, Identidad Madidi, has confirmed the 1,000th bird species in Madidi National Park, one of the world’s most biodiverse protected areas and a mecca of bird life.


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