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Special mention to the community biocultural tourism project Pacha Trek 'Walking with the Kallawayas'

Views: 950
Special mention to the community biocultural tourism project Pacha Trek 'Walking with the Kallawayas'
(October 26, 2017) The 2017 Sustainable Tourism Award, convened by the Green Fund and the Latin American Landscape Initiative (LALI), in order to encourage tourism ventures that respect cultural traditions of local communities and their environment, gave a special mention to the Pacha Trek project 'Walking with the Kallawayas', in the category 'Landscape and Community Rural Tourism Projects', in the framework of the VI LALI Forum and the First International Landscape Symposium 'Thinking and Feeling the Landscape',...


Identidad Madidi (Madidi ID) received an award from the Parliamentary Brigade of La Paz, of the Plurinational Legislative Assembly of Bolivia

Views: 911
Identidad Madidi (Madidi ID) received an award from the Parliamentary Brigade of La Paz, of the Plurinational Legislative Assembly of Bolivia
(October 23, 2017) On October 20th , in commemoration of the founding of the city of La Paz, 469 years ago, the Parliamentary Brigade of La Paz, of the Chamber of Deputies of the Plurinational Legislative Assembly of Bolivia conferred the 'CHUQUIAGO MARKA' award to the ID Madidi team and to Robert Wallace, Director of the Greater Madidi Tambopata Landscape Conservation Program as the leader of the scientific expedition, for their contribution to knowledge and dissemination of the biodiversity of Madidi National Pa...


Field course Strengthening capacities of facilitators in management of protected areas

Views: 859
Field course Strengthening capacities of facilitators in management of protected areas
(October 20, 2017) As part of the Training Program for Park guards from the National System of Protected Areas, under the leadership of SERNAP, and with the support of the Italian Development Cooperation, the field course “Strengthening capacities for facilitators in management of protected areas” was conducted between September 25th and October 3rd in San Buenaventura, next-door to Madidi Protected Area and Pilón Lajas Biosphere Reserve. A total of 35 people participated, among them there were...


Vanilla species richness in Madidi

Views: 1371
Vanilla species richness in Madidi
(October 17, 2017) As part of WCS's work in support of sustainable productive projects, in collaboration with the Civil Society Support Fund (FOSC) of the Danish International Development Agency (DANIDA) and in coordination with a group of botanists from the Bolivian National Herbarium, led by Freddy Zenteno, surveys were carried out to identify the species diversity of the genus Vanilla prevailing in Madidi and Pilon Lajas protected areas, with potential for their use. The scientific collections and the review ca...


Culinary art inspired by the biological and cultural richness of the Bolivian Amazon

Views: 882
Culinary art inspired by the biological and cultural richness of the Bolivian Amazon
(October 13, 2017) The Amazon is one of the most biodiverse regions on the planet. Its cultural landscape is equally diverse and has a rich tradition of knowledge about the nutritional and medical properties of numerous tropical plants, some of which have reached worldwide relevance, such as vanilla, cacao, palm heart and brazil nut. In the northern Amazon region of La Paz, the tacana, leco, tsimane’ and mosetene indigenous peoples have important knowledge of tropical agriculture, based mainly on the cult...


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