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Entries for 'cflorest'

FAN and WCS present a report on forest fires in Bolivia in 2020

Views: 1181
FAN and WCS present a report on forest fires in Bolivia in 2020
(June 25, 2021) As a result of the joint work between Fundación Amigos de la Naturaleza (FAN) and Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS), a report was published on June 23rd that analyzes the impacts of forest fires, which occurred in 2020, on conservation values in Bolivia. The main data in the document reveal that, between January and December 2020, an area of 4.5 million hectares was affected by forest fires throughout the country, mainly in the departments of Beni and Santa Cruz. It also presents an ...


WCS promotes the establishment of the group for conservation of turtles in Bolivia

Views: 775
WCS promotes the establishment of the group for conservation of turtles in Bolivia
(May 25, 2021) Since 2020, WCS has been promoting the establishment of a group of experts for the study of turtles in Bolivia. This group aims to promote collective actions that contribute to the preservation of this endangered order of reptiles. Bolivia is home to 17 species of turtles, 15 native and 2 introduced, of which 3 are terrestrial and 14 are aquatic. In 2009, the threat status of 9 of these species was evaluated for the Red Book of Bolivian Vertebrates, and it was found that two of them were thre...


Award to the cocoa produced by the Chocolecos Association that will represent Bolivia at the International Cocoa Awards 2021 tournament

Views: 830
Award to the cocoa produced by the Chocolecos Association that will represent Bolivia at the International Cocoa Awards 2021 tournament
(April 27, 2021) On April 12, in the Tiwanacu room at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the six cocoa samples were awarded, out of a total of 24 samples, that will represent Bolivia in the International Cocoa Awards 2021 tournament. Among these samples is that of Wilfredo Gonzales, from the community of Tomachi, in Guanay, La Paz, and member of the Chocolecos association. The other winning samples are from Riberalta and Baures, in Beni, Yuracaré, in Cochabamba, Manuripi, in Pando, and San Carlos, in Santa ...


Popular Poetry to Confront Wildlife Trafficking in Bolivia

Views: 750
Popular Poetry to Confront Wildlife Trafficking in Bolivia
(April 14, 2021) Through the campaign "Haikus against wildlife trafficking", WCS seeks to raise awareness about the threat of wildlife trafficking that threatens the biological diversity that characterizes Bolivia. Remembering our connection with nature, through three verses and a pattern of 5-7-5 syllables, is the proposal of the "Haikus against wildlife trafficking" campaign of WCS, within the framework of the Alliance for Wildlife and Forests, a regional action financed by the European Union. Haiku is a tr...


WCS-led study of jaguar and puma feeding habits

Views: 846
WCS-led study of jaguar and puma feeding habits
(March 11, 2021) Jaguar (Panthera onca) and puma (Puma concolor) are the largest felines in the Americas. They share the same habitat throughout most of their distribution. Both are strict carnivores, so knowledge of their feeding habits is fundamental for the design of conservation strategies, since diet plays a key role in the evolutionary behavior of predators. Likewise, the availability of prey is one of the main factors that determine the presence, behavior and ecology of predators in the ecosystems where t...


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